August 19, 2010

Retro Kitchen Step Stool

I picked this up from my amazing upholsterer this week and have just put the finishing touches to it clean and fresh new feet.  Here is what it looked like a couple of weeks ago:

And here it is now, after a fair amount of elbow grease, a good clean, some new upholstery and padding, and new feet:

Much better!  I think this wee cutie has a buyer already, but I am happy to take orders if you are interested.  Email me for more info.

xx Karen


  1. Karen the stool look fabulous. I walked past one of these at the junk shop the other day and left it there. I so wish I had of got it now. Sandy x

  2. Very cute, Karen. Very retro! Love the polka dots.

  3. Cute! And it looks like it would be really handy, too.

  4. karen it is sooo cute! i love that retro red and white polka dot you use. it's always so sweet and perfectly vintagey!

  5. Wow, how clever are you, that stool is so cute. Im very glad I found your blog (Via Paint it white, she's awesome too!)You have done some amazing work, very inspiring. Im your latest follower too. Megan xx

  6. This is fabulous! What a great piece. I was just at our local dump (they have a store - no dump diving here) friend scored a great piece like this for $1! I am a new follower.
    504 Main

  7. Wow Karen, now that's a great makeover! I certainly couldn't envision much with the before photos. Obviously you could!

  8. That is an adorable stool. I'm really liking the polka-dots. So cute!

  9. Hey! Fab stool - I need to get my mom one like this, she's only 5'1" and has tall cabinets in her kitchen!

    By the way...

    I have entered a contest to win a walk-on role on the retro-licious show "Mad Men".

    If you would take two seconds to vote for me, I would really appreciate it. Just go to my blog, or use this link to go straight to my photo page.

    Thanks a bunch!
