August 2, 2010

Raven Glory Box

This one took a while to get finished, but finally, it is.  Here is where we started:
As I said when I previously posted about it, it is a much plainer style that what I am usually drawn to, but I had been given some very cool knobs that I knew would look great on this (wouldn't be hard to improve on the originals, though!) and I wanted to do something grey and I knew this was the piece for that.
These knobs came all the way from India...thanks again Tracey!
After I painted it in Resene Raven, and lightly distressed it, I decided to add a bit of 'grunge factor' to it by rubbing a dark oak wax over it.
I painted the inside but didn't wax it so you can see the contrast in colour.  The lid has a neat stay on it so it stays up by itself.  I think it would make a great coffee table or toy box, or just extra storage...
I am showing this off at
Furniture Feature Fridays
xx Karen


  1. Love it, love it! That colour is fantastic and the knobs finish it off nicely - well done! Hope your having a great Monday. Michelle

  2. i love the finish you gave this piece- the color and style are great! also love all your other projects.... the daybed has got to be my fave. i LOVE it! it's so sleek!

  3. Oh Karen, it was great to see the knobs put to use. What a great improvement on what you started with. Awesome Tracey :)
